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IPS Conditions - Achilles Tendonitis
20 Years in Service
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Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis Treatment in Cardiff, Bridgend, Newport & Porthcawl.

The Independent Physiotherapy Service (iPS) offers a range of specialist physio treatments for Achilles Tendonitis with experienced physiotherapists.

CSP Registered Physiotherapists
HCPC Registered Physiotherapists

What is the Achilles Tendon?

The Achilles tendon is a very strong and flexible tendon. It is situated at the back of the ankle joint and connects the calf muscle to the bone in the heel of the foot (Calcaneus). It is the largest tendon in the body enabling explosive movements such as running and jumping.

With age the achilles tendon becomes less flexible and less able to cope with the stress that running puts on it. Small tears start to develop and if running is continued the tears do not heal and the tendon becomes weaker.

Achilles tenonitis is more likely to occur if an individual starts a new type of activity or sport, or if there is a sudden increase in the intensity of exercise, a change in footwear or have poor running technique such as the foot rolling inwards when running (overpronation).

What treatments are available?

A physiotherapy assessment will consider the above factors as well as providing a full biomechanical assessment. Treatment options depend upon the severity of the condition. Our physiotherapists will offer a combination of treatment modalities and expert advice, including: soft tissue and deep friction massage, acupuncture, electrotherapy, eccentric loading exercises/stretches and an adaptation of training programme to help symptoms settle and avoid recurrence.


Acupuncture For Pain Relief: Initial Assessment

Information: This acupuncture appointment option is appropriate for a patient with a Musculoskeletal (MSK)/Orthopaedic injury or condition, who has not previously attended IPS Physiotherapy for Acupuncture, or is a patient returning with an injury or condition that has not been assessed or treated by one of our acupuncture Physiotherapists before.

Time: 45 Minutes

Cost: £75.00

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MSK Physiotherapy

MSK Physiotherapy: Initial Assessment/Treatment

Information: This appointment option is appropriate for a patient with a Musculoskeletal (MSK) injury/condition, who has not previously attended iPS Physiotherapy, or is a patient returning with an injury or condition that has not been assessed or treated by one of our Physiotherapists. For us to perform a comprehensive assessment and offer some treatment at your first visit, this longer appointment is required.

Time: 45 Minutes

Cost: £75.00

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If you need more information about any of our treatments or services please let us know.

We want to ensure that all of our patients receive the information they need to make an informed decision about their Treatment. If you have any questions or if you require assistance with anything, please let us know.

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The Independent Physiotherapy Service

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