ITB Friction Syndrome | Cardiff | Bridgend | Newport | iPS This Website Is currently under development and some of the content may not be correct. Please visit HERE to view our latest website.
IPS Conditions - ITB Friction Syndrome
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ITB Friction Syndrome

ITB Friction Syndrome Treatment in Cardiff, Bridgend, Newport & Porthcawl.

The Independent Physiotherapy Service (iPS) offers a range of specialist physio treatments for ITB Friction Syndrome with experienced physiotherapists.

CSP Registered Physiotherapists
HCPC Registered Physiotherapists

'ITB Friction Syndrome' - pain in the outside of the knee or over the bony part of the outside of the hip'. This condition is extremely common in runners. It can be persistent and very debilitating. There are numerous causes of this pain and irritation of the bursae at knee and or hip. They include rapid increase in training volume, muscle imbalance, poor footwear, change in running terrain etc. Our physiotherapists will perform a thorough examination, discuss the probable cause and what can be done to ease the pain quickly and also limit the chance of it returning.

Treatment may include advice on an appropriate training programme, footwear, deep tissue massage, trigger point release massage, ultrasound, advice on self release and stretching. Treatment may also include a cortisone injection. A cortisone injection is likely to provide significant and immediate relief of the symptoms, which can be invaluable if you have an event in the near future and are unable to rest for a few weeks to allow the inflammation to settle. If you are considering having a cortisone injection, please advise when you book your appointment so we can ensure you see one of our physiotherapists who is qualified to perform injections.

Cortisone Injection

Initial Consultation [+ Injection if appropriate]

Information: Please book an Initial Consultation if you wish to book an injection. A consultation fee is paid at the time of booking. Injections will only be administered if clinically approriate. Following the assessment, you will be required to pay the cost of any injection(s) administered during the appointment. More than one injection may be required following the assessment. If you require more than one injection during your appointment, additional injection(s) will cost £180 per injection.

Time: 45 Minutes

Consultation: £75.00

Initial Injection Cost: £225.00

(Injection costs only apply if you proceed with the treatment)

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Cortisone Injection

Follow-up Consultation [+ Injection if appropriate]

Information: Please book an Follow-up Consultation if you wish to book an injection. A consultation fee is paid at the time of booking. Injections will only be administered if clinically approriate. Following the assessment, you will be required to pay the cost of any injection(s) administered during the appointment. More than one injection may be required following the assessment. If you require more than one injection during your appointment, additional injection(s) will cost £180 per injection.

Time: 30 Minutes

Consultation : £50.00

Initial Injection Cost: £225.00

(Injection costs only apply if you proceed with the treatment)

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MSK Physiotherapy

MSK Physiotherapy: Initial Assessment/Treatment

Information: This appointment option is appropriate for a patient with a Musculoskeletal (MSK) injury/condition, who has not previously attended iPS Physiotherapy, or is a patient returning with an injury or condition that has not been assessed or treated by one of our Physiotherapists. For us to perform a comprehensive assessment and offer some treatment at your first visit, this longer appointment is required.

Time: 45 Minutes

Cost: £75.00

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We want to ensure that all of our patients receive the information they need to make an informed decision about their Treatment. If you have any questions or if you require assistance with anything, please let us know.

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